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                          14         15              
                16     17                            
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3 A substance produced by plants in photosynthesis
5 Organisms that feed of dead matter
7 The Earth's early __________ was mostly composed of carbon dioxide
8 Caused by greenhouse gases in the atmosphere
9 The clearing of a wide area of natural trees
11 A special feature that makes organisms more suited to their environment
16 How spread how a population is within an environment
1 Different organisms interacting in the same environment
2 The number of organisms in a species
4 Living factors that affect an organism's ability to survive in an environment
6 A compound that traps sun rays in the atmosphere
10 The specific place where a certain population of organisms live
11 Non-living factors that affect an organism's ability to survive in an environment
12 The very first organism in a food chain is called this
13 A greenhouse gas largely produced by cows
14 The Earth's current atmosphere is mostly made up of this gas
15 A group of the same organisms living in the same habitat
17 A ________ line is used to show the distribution of organisms along a habitat
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