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Economic And Social Change Crossword Puzzle

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Economic and Social Change

                  6                 7        
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2 Expanding population in cities is an example of what?
3 Who began to regard leisure activities as a good investment?
4 This percent of people lived in towns of 100,000 people or more.
5 Between 1500 and 1800, what grew from about 80 million to nearly 190 million?
6 Ships, canals and roads caused a _____ revolution?
8 Increased trade led to a significant spread of _____ throughout Europe?
9 An example of how the standard of living improved for Europeans by the 18th century than they had been 100 years before.
10 In 1800 how many cities had a population of more than 100,000 people?
1 What was replaced for the growing urban market?
7 This expanded between European countries and the rest of the world.
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