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Economic Challenges Crossword Puzzle

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Economic Challenges

4                   5              
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2 The theory that suggests that a worker's investment in education, training, or accumulation of work experience will lead to an improvement in income.
3 This status was a significant negative predictor of working for an employer with a retirement plan.
4 There has been a ____in the proportion of older adults living in povery over the years.
8 What is the most prevalent housing problem for all household types and has increased over the years.
9 Death rates for heart disease and stroke have declinced by what percentage since 1981.
10 What was a significant predictor of inclusion in the employer's retirement plan in all groups?
1 The theory that predicts that people will act rationally to optimally satisfy their preferences.
5 This group has a greater number of chronic conditions, higher rate of disease comorbidity and higher disability rates than non-Hispanic Whites.
6 This mission is to encourage cooperation and collaboration among Federal agencies to improve quality of the aging population.
7 What type of minority worker has the least likelihood of retirement benefits?
11 American Indians and Alaska Natives were more likely to ___ needed medical care.
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