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Economic System

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2 Establishment or enterprise that supplies us with goods and services
4 Any place where buyers and sellers exchanged goods, services, and some form of money
7 Economic resources are usually privately owned by individuals rather than by the government
8 Buyers and sellers make their own economic decisions to determine what the price will be for goods and services produced and sold
9 Right of the individyal to choose whether to own a business what business to eneter and what to produce with only limited government direction
11 You can own use or dispose of things you own by selling them giving them away
12 Nation's plan for answering the key economic questions
13 Resources are owned and controlled by the government
14 Generally found in countries that have democratic forms of government
1 Desire to work hard and be creative to earn a higher profit
3 Money left from sales after subtracting all the cost of operating the business
5 Where goods are produced the way they have always been produced
6 The rivalry among the businesses to sell their goods and serivices to buyers
10 Refer to a system in which most economic resources are provately owned and decisions about production and distribution are largely made by voluntary exchanged
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