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Economic Systems Crossword Puzzle

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Economic Systems

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2 How well people are living; determined by the amount of goods and services they can afford at the time.
5 Is the average value of goods and services produced per person in a country in a given year.
7 The process of using machinery for all major forms of production.
8 An economy that is a combination of command, market, and traditional economies.
10 A system in which bussinesses operate with little government involvement.
11 When prices are determined by the supply and demand for goods.
12 An economic system in which the central government makes all economic decisions.
13 The purchase of something with the expectation that will gain in value.
14 An economic system based on private ownership, free trade, and competition.
15 The structure of economic life in a country.
1 An increase in overall prices
3 An economy in which production is based on customs and traditon, and which people often grow their own food, make their own goods, and use barter to trade.
4 Total market value of goods and services produced in a country in a given year.
6 A political system in which the government owns all property and runs a command economy.
9 the amount of goods and services that are available at a given time.
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