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                              P R O F I T  
                                S U P P L Y
            S                   S          
            P R O D U C E R S   I          
R E V E N U E                   O          
            C O M P E T I T I O N          
    I N F L A T I O N                      
            I N C E N T I V E              
        S C A R C I T Y                    
        D   I                              
        E C O N O M I C S                  
        M   N     A   O                    
        A         R   N                    
        N         K   S                    
        D         E   U                    
                  T   M                    
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1 the store had to close because it didnt make a lot of money or ______
3 the amount of goods or service
5 they made 500 bookbags a week
6 the money eared by selling goods and services
7 the two stores was doing a race or __________ to see who made the most money first by lowering the price.
8 the manger increased the prices of the bookbags.
9 a factor that encourages peoople to act in a certain way is
10 having a limited quantify of resources to meet unlimited wants
12 The study of how people meet their want and needs
2 decline in economic growth for six or more months in a row is know as__________.
4 the act of concentrating on a limited number of goods or activities
11 there is large________for the Iphone 5 in the stores
13 you can find food at the super_______
14 the person was buying a bookbag for school
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