WhenWe Crossword Puzzles

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                  2       3                
              5                         6  
  13         14                              
            15     16           17     18      
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7 his face is on the $1 bill
8 coins and paper bills used as money
9 money that keeps its value
10 money that provides a mean for comparing the values of goods and servies
11 Unites States money
12 money must be able to be divided into smaller _______.
14 also known as fait money
15 consists of objects that have value in and of themselves that also are used as money
19 Money musy be _____ enough to carry arounf
1 money must be _______ enough to take on physical tender
2 the direct exchange of one set of goods to another
3 legal tender stays vaulable thank to the ______ reserve
4 Barter is still used in Asia, _______, and Latin America
5 makes use of objects that have value
6 __________ of money is important to make the fait system work.
13 Any two units of money must be _____, or the same
16 ________ of exchange
17 Anything that serves as a medium of exchange.
18 Everyone in the ________ must be able to exchange the objects that serve as money
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