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5 The international between populations to meet needs.
7 Because there is only enough food, water, shelter and space to support a certain number of organisms.
9 A group of organisms of the same species in an ecosystem.
10 It consists of all the populations that live and interact in an area.
11 The gradual change of organisms in an ecosystem.
12 Protecting ecosystems and the organisms living in them. People do this by replanting trees, restore habitats, clean up pollution, remove invasive species, and care for orphaned or injured animals.
13 Non living things in an environment.
14 An organism’s environment is all the living and non living things that surround and affect the organism.
15 Happens when all the members of a certain species die.
17 The organisms already living in an ecosystem
1 The place where an organism lives within an ecosystem.
2 Living things in an environment.
3 The contamination of air, or soil by substances harmful to organisms.
4 All the organisms living in a place together with their environment. An ecosystem can be huge, such as a large forest or desert.
6 Begins on bare rock, such as after a volcano erupts.
8 An organisms complete function, or role, in its ecosystem. It includes all the ways the organism survives.
16 “Different in kind” Diversity is the variety of different species that live in an ecosystem.
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