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Ecosystems and the Biosphere

Fill in the blanks with the words that match each definition

                    C   T           B            
                    A   U       T   I            
                    N   N       A   O            
                    O   D       I   M       S    
              T E M P E R A T E G R A S S L A N D
E P I P H Y T E     Y   A       A   S       V   E
              M                     S       A   S
              P E R M A F R O S T           N   E
              E                             N   R
            T R O P H I C L E V E L         A   T
              T R O P I C A L R A I N F O R E S T
      B I O M E                                  
              D E C O M P O S E R                
              C A R B O N C Y C L E              
        F O O D W E B                            
  C A R N I V O R E                              
        C O N S U M E R                          
  H E R B I V O R E                              
        W A T E R C Y C L E                      
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6 Are dominated by grasses
8 A plant that grows on other plants
9 In the tundra, a permanently frozen layer of ground
10 A feeding level in an ecosystem
11 A biome near the equator characterized by large amounts of rain and sunlight
12 Very large terrestrial ecosystems that contain a number of smaller but related ecosystems within them.
13 An organism that obtains nutrients from dead plants and animals
14 Process in which carbon is cycled through the biosphere
15 The interconnected food chains in an ecosystem
16 A consumer that eats other consumers
17 A heterotroph that obtains energy from organic molecules made by other organisms
18 A consumer that eats primary producers
19 The movement of water between the ground, the atmosphere, and bodies of water
1 Layers of treetops that shade the forest floor
2 A biome of low-growing vegetation that forms a continuous belt across North America, Europe, and Asia
3 The dry weight of organic material in an ecosystem
4 A forested biome dominated by cone-bearing evergreen trees
5 Subtropical or tropical grassland with scattered trees and shrubs
6 A forest characterized by trees that shed their leaves in the fall
7 An area where rainfall averages less than 25 cm per year
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