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Edward The Confessor

        E D W A R D T H E C O N F E S S O R
      W I L L I A M T H E C O N Q U E R O R
      G O D W I N O F W E S S E X          
    W E S T M E I S T E R A B B E Y        
        O                 I                
      A N G L O S A X O N S                
        V                 L                
H A R D I C A N U T E     I                
        C                 P                
    O C T O B E R                          
      C O N F E S S O R                    
        S U C C E S S O R                  
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2 Ruler from 1042-1066
3 The ruler who took over after Edward and Harold leading into the Medieval times
4 Father of Edwards wife (the earl of______)
5 The first Norman Romanesque church in England
7 2 Germanic tribes that moved to England after the fal of the Roman Empire and merged
8 The King before Edward
9 The feast day of Saint Edward The Confessor
10 One who confesses faith in christianity in the face of pesecution but does not suffer martyrdom
11 A person who leads or follows
1 Strong Christian beliefs
6 The place Edward was born
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