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Endangered Animals Crossword Puzzle

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Endangered Animals

    3         4                              
                      10                     11
                      13               14      
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3 a population of animals whose members look very similar, live in the same kind of way, and can breed with each other
6 the total number of a particular group of animal of one species
7 describes the time people began to record events in history
8 an area that has not been touched by humans
9 the variety of living things
10 working to save habitats and endangered wildlife
12 a forest that grows in areas where rain is common all year long
13 someone who is an expert in wildlife
15 ancient remains usually made from hard bones
1 regions of earth with a rich concentration of different plants and animals
2 an animal that hunts and kills other animals for its food
4 the name given to a wildlife community that survives in a particular habitat
5 a large number of species becoming extinct in a short period of time due to environmental change
11 substances needed by living things for growth or energy
14 something taken from the wild as an example to show other people
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