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Energy Crossword Puzzle

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1       2                                      
4                                 5   6        
7               8                              
        13                               14      
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1 the ability to do work
3 a form of energy that is associate with motion, position, or shape of an object
4 lightning, batteries, and electrical lines are examples of this form of energy
7 energy of motion
9 when one form of energy is transformed to another, no energy is loss in the process
10 energy associated with objects that can be compressed or stretched
11 stored energy
13 a change from one form of energy to another
15 this energy is found in food, matches, and body cells
16 this type of energy is also called radiant energy
2 energy related to an object's height
5 unit used to measure energy
6 a type of potential energy in which energy is stored in an atom's nucleus
8 transfer of energy
12 energy transferred divided by time
14 the higher the temperature of an object, the more ______ energy the object has
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