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Energy & Life Crossword Puzzle

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Energy & Life

    1   2                                        
        9                 10                      
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1 Principal pigment.
3 Light absorbing molecules.
4 It is the membrane that contains a protien.
5 Uses light energy to convert water and carbon dioxide into oxygen and high energy sugars by using the energy of sunlight.
6 Accepts and holds 2 high energy electrons along with a hydrogen ion (H+)
7 Animals do not use the lights energy (directly), they get energy from the foods they eat.
8 Organisms (plants ect.) that produce energy from light energy.
9 It is a principal chemical compound that stores energy.
11 Uses ATP and NADPH from light-dependent reactions to produce high energy sugars.
12 The region outside of the thylakoid membranes.
2 Requires light, and make oxygen gas and convert ATP and NADP+ intpo energy carriers A+B and NAPH.
10 Sac like photosynthetic membranes.
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