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Energy Crossword Puzzle

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13                     14                    
16   17       18                              
Across Down
3 Heat always flows from __________ to ___________.
5 Objects made of ___________ are good conductors.
7 ____________ are materials that allow energy to easily pass through.
8 ____________ energy is a combination of kinetic and potential.
10 When light changes direction and bounces back
11 ____________ energy is stored energy (not in use).
15 ____________ are materials that do NOT allow energy to pass through easily.
16 When light travels at different speeds through different mediums and appears bent or crooked
19 Fireworks give off two forms of energy including light and __________.
20 Electrical energy travels through ___________.
1 The friction caused by rubbing hands together creates __________ energy.
2 A remote control car uses __________ energy from the battery to power it.
4 How high or low a sound is
6 The ____________ is the biggest source of light energy.
9 A hairdryer plugged into the wall uses _________ energy.
12 When a light is shined through a small hole, the light that does not pass through gets ________.
13 Sound energy is made when sound waves __________.
14 The higher an object's ___________ the more potential energy it has.
17 Heat causes objects to move __________.
18 Fire gives off light and ________ energy.
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