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Enlightenment Period Crossword Puzzle Answer

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Enlightenment Period

  P R O P E R T Y                
      S O C I A L C O N T R A C T
L I F E                          
      N A T U R A L R I G H T S  
    S T A T E O F N A T U R E    
      E N L I G H T E N M E N T  
      R E P U B L I C A N I S M  
L I B E R T Y                    
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2 The right to own things like land, food, and tools.
3 An agreement where citizens give up some rights in exchange for the governments protection.
4 The Natural right to live and survive.
5 Fundamental, basic rights people are born with.
6 Life with complete freedom, no rules, and no government.
7 A period of time when people developed new ideas about human existence and human rights
8 The idea that a country's leader should be chosen by the citizens in a general election.
9 The freedom to make your own decisions
1 If the government fails to protect citizens, citizens have the right to revolt.
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