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Escape TO Gold Mountains Crossword Puzzle

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Escape to Gold Mountains

Complete the crossword below.

          12                                   13  
              14                         15        
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3 It is an old term for ''Chinese people''.
4 The name of the restaurant that was mentioned in the novel.
5 Canadians made this law because even with the head tax, there were still so many Chinese that were moving to Canada for jobs.
6 The Chinese people used to call the North America as ___________.
7 What was the natural disaster that destryoed the City Hall by April 1906? It gave hope to Chinese people because they needed to redo birth certificates.
8 Were Chinese men using identity papers stating they were sons of Chinese in America, who could claim to have been born there.
10 The man who doubled the head tax from $50 per head to $100 by January 1901.
11 An old term for ''Saltwater City'' or ''Vancouver''.
12 The man who owned the MSG Lunch Restaurant.
14 A large company in Vancouver that first started using iron chink.
16 The talented artists who was mentioned in the novel/
18 The author of the novel ''Escape to Gold Mountains''.
19 The man who descrived Chinamen as good servants because they were quick, obedient, patient, quick to learn, and tirelessly industrious.
1 MSG Lunch stands for _____, Sam, and Gin's Lunch restaurant.
2 An old term that the Chinese people used to refer to ''white'' people.
3 This act effectively barred all Chinese people whether they had families in Canada or not.
9 The son who stayed to look after their parents when Ken and Vern left to look for jobs.
13 According to Grandma, this represents the pain and sadness of the Chinese people.
15 The Chinese people used to refer to this country as ''Beautiful Country'' or ''Mei Gok''.
17 Chinese measurement of length; equivalent to approximately half a km.
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