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                                    B U B O N I C P L A G U E
      P H Y S I C A L C H A R A C T E R                      
              M                       A                      
              P E N I N S U L A S     C                      
              E                       T                      
  C O L D W A R                       E                      
          W   I                     U R B A N I Z A T I O N  
          H O L O C A U S T                                  
  P O L D E R S                                              
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2 Bacteria caused disease characterized especially by the formation of buboes also known as black death
3 characteristics that define what a place is based on physical features
5 a piece of land almost surrounded by water connected to a larger piece of land
6 Conflict that took place towards the end of WW2 between the Soviet Union and USA
8 is a population shifting from a less concentrated area to a more concentrated area.
9 genocide in which Nazi Germany and its collaborators killed about six million victims
10 System that uses dirt to enclose a body of water for the use of agriculture.
1 Characteristics that define what a place is based on cultural features
4 the plan of extending the rule or authority of an empire or nation over foreign countries.
7 Global conflict that took place mainly in Germany against the neo Nazi regiment
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