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European Countries Crossword Puzzle

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European Countries

    14                   15   16                          
                17 18                 19                  
20                                   21                  
        22   23                                          
                                25 26         27          
                              29             30          
Across Down
2 the 9th largest country in Europe
3 The feeling you get after not eating for a while
4 Deepest subway system at 105 feet
5 the only country left ruled by a Grand Duke
7 they don’t use change- only dollars
8 where the first Olympic games took place
9 A holy place
11 A royal country
12 located between Serbia and the Adriatic Sea
13 A place with a very tall tower
14 Founders of pizza
17 a country with two capitals
20 the only country in the world washed by 12 seas
21 second smallest country in the world
22 joined the European Union in 2007
24 A land that opposes its name
25 the largest lake in this country is Lake Bohinj
28 the capital of this country is Belgrade
29 Where two sports are combined
30 nicknamed “the land of the Midnight sun”
1 Supporters of the blue and yellow flag
2 each region has it’s own special traditions when it comes to food
5 Begins with a lie
6 A type of waffle
10 Food you put on the table at Thanksgiving
12 Europe’s poorest country
13 where the mobile company Nokia was founded
15 70% of highways here have no speed limit
16 split into 8 regions
18 least religious country in the world
19 located in northern Italy
23 known for its sunny weather and gentle people
26 second in the world for Environmental Performance
27 Home of the leprechauns
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