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2 Derived from the Greek word 'good death'
4 Administered to alleviate symptoms and pain without curing the affliction
5 A disorder that affects muscle tone, movement, and motor skills
6 A person who is this is able to make rational decisions
7 Type of euthanasia carried out against the wishes of a person; commensurate with murder
8 The unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another
9 Type of euthanasia carried out in accordance with the expressed wishes of a competent person
10 Type of euthanasia carried out without the expressed wishes of a competent person such as infants or comatose patients
1 Type of euthanasia where no actions are taken (treatment withdrawal, for example) to prolong the life of a suffering or dying person
3 Discontinuing a patient's medical treatment
11 Type of euthanasia where an action is undertaken (such as the injection of a lethal poison) to end the life of a suffering or dying person
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