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Evergreen Tropical Rainforest Crossword Puzzle

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Evergreen Tropical Rainforest

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3 Tropical Rainforests contain a ....... range of trees, plants, animals and microorganisms.
4 Evergreen Tropical Rainforests occur roughly between the latitudes of 28° north or south of the ...........
5 Many of the foods we eat today originated from tropical rainforest for example ..........
6 Tropical Rainforests occur under climates with with abundant .............
7 Which layer of the rainforests only receives 2% sunlight?
9 As the climate of the evergreen tropical rainforests is warm and damp it allows .............. to occur at a fast rate.
10 An area of rainforest the size of football field is being ................ each second.
12 Deposits of precious metals and .......... occur underneath rainforests.
13 Tropical rainforests exhibit high levels of .........
14 Tigers are threatened with ............ due to loss of habitat.
15 Evergreen Tropical Rainforests do not have a ......................
1 ........... are large, intelligent, solitary, apes that live in the evergreen tropical rainforests of southeast Asia.
2 Giant ........... plants can grow up to 9 inches in one day.
5 The tropical rainforests play an important role in reducing atmospheric ............
8 Around 40% to 75% of all biotic species are ............. to the evergreen tropical rainforests.
11 Covering less than 2 percent of the ....... total surface area, the world's rainforests are home to 50 percent of the Earth's plants and animals.
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