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Expansion IN Latin America Crossword Puzzle

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Expansion in Latin America

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3 Former chief engineer for the French canal-building attempt
5 Limited Cuba's freedom to make treaties with other countries & authorized the US to intervene in Cuban affairs as it saw necessary
6 President Roosevelt issued this in 1904 because he feared Europeans would use force to collect loans
7 President Taft's policy of influencing Latin American affairs through economic influence rather than military force
8 He authorized the construction of schools and a sanitation system in Cuba
9 This meant that the US promised to protect Cuba from other nations but reserved the right to intervene in Cuba's affairs
10 Harsh working conditions and shortages of labor and materials hampered the US efforts in building this
1 granted Puerto Ricans US citizenship
2 Established that Puerto Rico's governor and upper house of the legislature would be appointed by the US.
4 Gave the US complete and unending sovereignty over a 10-mile-wide Canal zone.
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