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Exploring Our World Crossword Puzzle

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Exploring Our World

8                       9                              
10     11                                                
                                15     16                
                  18                       19            
          20             21                              
Across Down
7 Clouds
10 Water changes from a liquid to a gas
12 Snow, sleet, hail, or rain
14 Sudden and violent movements of the Earth's crust
17 Atmospheric gases trapping the sun's warmth
19 A strip of land having water on two sides
20 A process by which water moves in some form from ground, ocean, and air
22 The inner most part of the Earth
23 Polluting chemicals that combine with ozone creating a thick haze
1 Weather patterns over an area over years
2 Air polluting chemicals that combine with precipitation
3 Surrounded by water
4 Underground layers of rock through which water flows
5 Hot, dense rock found between the crust and the core
6 A dry and generally hot area of lland
7 As plate move the land on top moves
8 Local atmospheric conditions
9 Cracks in the Earth's crust
11 A tall, high, flat top landfor
13 Tall, high, and wide landforms that stretch for miles
15 Water, ice, chemicals, and plants that break rocks apart
16 Land surrounded by water on three sides
18 A deep cut in the ocean floor
21 The outer shell of the Earth
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