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Eyewitness Sharks Crossword Puzzle

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Eyewitness Sharks

                          1   2    
        7                     8   9
            12       13     14        
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4 ____ sharks form large schools swimming in unison.
5 The _____ is a close relative of the shark.
6 Sharks have even been referred to as gods and ____ in some Pacific islands.
7 Sharks move through the water by using their tails and they cannot move their ___ fins.
10 The great white shark is the largest ____ shark growing to over 20 feet long and weighing more than 2 tons.
12 Sharks have an ____ which allows tham to navigate in the sea to find prey.
15 Most shark ____ happen where people swim, surf or dive.
1 There are approximately ___ of sharks which can be divided into eight groups.
2 The majority of sharks give birth to live young while others lay thier eggs in a ___.
3 Sharks are part of the fish class called ___ which means their skeletons are made of a gristlelike cartilage.
8 People have used shark teeth for ___ and shark skin for shoes.
9 The great white shark is a warm ____ fish.
11 Sharks are especially at risk for ____ because they are slow to reproduce.
13 Sharks never run out of ____ because the are replaced with new ones.
14 Sharks are ___ predators,but only a few kinds cause danger to humans.
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