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Famous World Leaders

      2   3                 4                
6             7                              
      11   12                                  
  13       14                                  
                      15     16                
              17 18                            
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2 United the people of southern Africa. His efforts in battle are seen as a military genius by most.(4)
5 _________ the Great. Legend has it that he was never defeated in battle. Known for supreme combat and military skills.(9)
7 British Prime Minister Winston ________ whose leadership through the Second World War is seen as paramount.(9
8 Spanish Queen known for financing the voyages of Christopher Columbus.(8)
12 Most widely known Queen of Egypt. She is widely seen as the last of the pharaohs.(9)
13 Benjamin ________ was one of the Founding Fathers of the United States.(8)
17 The first Queen of England known for trusting advisers to make good decisions.(9)
19 Leader of the Chinese Revolution. Thought to be the key behind establishing China as a world power.(6)
1 The Roman general widely credited with the origin and leadership to transform Rome’s republic into an Empire.(6)
3 Abraham _______ Maintained the Union of States in America and helped bring an end to slavery.(7
4 He was defeated in the Battle of Waterloo in 1815.(8)
6 Martin Luther ____,successfully orchestrated acts of non-violent civil disobedience that helped create equality in the forms of civil and human rights in the United States.(4)
7 _________ the Great was the most renowned and the longest-ruling female leader of Russia.(9
9 ____ of Arc Turned the tide in the Hundred Years' War. Was burned by the British suppressors. French national heroine.
10 ____ the Red was a Great Viking explorer. Founded the first European settlement in Greenland.(4)
11 An Indian nationalist that inspired the world with the use of non-violent protest to create change.(6)
14 Genghis ____, founder of the largest empire (Mongols) in the world during his time. Many of his empires campaigns resulted in mass casualties.(4)
15 Nelson _______ Served 27 years in prison before becoming President of the same nation.(7
16 ______ the Hun was the ruler of the Huns from 434 until his death in March 453.(6)
18 He led the Spartan forces during the Second Persian War and is remembered for his death at the Battle of Thermopylae.(8
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