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Fast Break Crossword Puzzle

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Fast Break

              3                         4            
                                5     6              
            8                       9                
        10                                 11          
  13                       14                          
19   20             21                                  
Across Down
4 What death plays a big role in Jaysons life?
8 Where does Jayson move to?
10 What does Jayson try to avoid?
11 What sport does Zoe play?
13 How old is Jayson?
15 Who gave Jayson his nickname?
16 Who paid off the stolen sneakers?
17 What is the social worker?
18 Where did Mrs. Lawton go to middle school?
19 Jayson is 6 inches shorter then who?
23 Who dropped Jayson off at Zoes house?
1 Who steals bread and peanut butter from corner stores?
2 Who did Tyrese play for?
3 What team is the Cameron indoor stadium home to?
5 What was the reason Jayson and his mom were kicked out of Jeff?
6 Who was Moreland East worst shooter?
7 What does Mr. Lawton play?
8 What does Jayson get caught stealing?
9 Who did Jaysons team play in the state middle-grade championship?
12 Who is one of Jaysons closest friends?
14 What was the team eating when Jayson left the restaurant?
20 What loud music was usually played across the hall?
21 What was Jayson Barnes nickname?
22 Who coaches Duke?
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