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Fauna And Flora Crossword Puzzle

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Fauna and Flora

  3               4 5                                  
                    6                             7    
              10   11                                   12
                    17                   18       19      
            20                   21                      
Across Down
4 A set of relationship between plant and animal within an area
6 killing animal for sport
8 A place surroundings or inhabitants
9 A large number of animals species within a certain area
11 plant or animal live in an area that was not originally from
13 plants, animals, land, air and water
14 things that you touch and see in an area
15 protect plant for scientific, education or decorative
17 everything that people have constructed
20 does not harm the environment
22 plants
1 environment where species live
2 legal hunting animal in an humane way
3 Animal
5 people, their tradition, values and way of life
7 Animals and their natural habitat
10 illegally hunting
12 when animal and plants die out
16 close to extinct
18 plant or animal growing or living in an area of origin
19 large number of tourist travelling together
21 a group of organism
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