Being one of the greatest artist of the High Renaissance, _______’s talent was spotted by Lorenzo de Medici when _____ was young. ______ was brought up in the Medici palace and later went on to create some of the most famous works of the Renaissance,
A well-known painter of the Renaissance, _______ was one of a circle of artists and scholars who was sponsored by the Medici in Florence. ______ was fascinated by Neoplatonism, and many of his works are seen as great examples of applied Neoplatonism.
In graphical perspective, _____ is the point in a painting or drawing that is the intersection of a set of parallel lines in a space on to the picture plane. _____ corresponds to the oculus or eye point from which the image should be viewed for corre
Miguel Cervantes spend 5 years as a slave in _____ ______ until his family bought his freedom.
Scholars began to teach the ideas of of _______________ and logical thinking.
Durer was especially skilled at making _________ and woodcuts.
The _____ _____was one of the most significant inventions of the Middle ages. _____ ______ was invented in the mid-15 century during the Renaissance by a German goldsmith named Johannes Gutenberg.
A technique that was used by a variety of artist was ______. ______ is a technique that allows an artist to show objects as they appear at various distances from the viewer. _____ helps add dimensions to objects.
Italy was the gateway to Europe for much of the trade from Asia and ______.
______ is sought to reconcile humanism with Christianity. It is also to blend the teaching of Plato and other ancient philosophers with the teachings of the Church. _______ flourished throughout Italy as the primary philosophy by which artists ratio