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First Aid Crossword Puzzle

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First Aid

Complete the crossword below

    6                 7        
8             9                
11   12       13                  
Across Down
4 Leg like items that supports someone and helps them balance when they have a broken leg
6 White stretchy material that wraps around a infected or cut area
7 A moist tissue like substance that is used to clear away any germs from open cuts
9 A rubbery item that goes over your hands to stop them from being covered in any germs
10 Long, stable item that carrots serious spinal injured patience to an ambulance
11 A fast transport that takes seriously injured patience to hospital
1 Sharp tools that are used to pull out any bits of wood, timber etc from underneath the skin
2 A plastered item that holds a broken bone together to help it heal
3 A item that seriously injured patience suck on, to relieve pain
5 Sharp tools that cut through things like paper, bandages etc
8 A Liquid that is wiped on a burn to help it not blister but to heal
12 A sticky bandage used to cover minor cuts and scrapes
13 A collection of paper that is used to write notes
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