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Foot And Ankle Crossword Puzzle

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Foot and Ankle

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1 Both longitudinal arches are supported by this which is superficially located and runs from the calcaneus forward to the proximal phalanges
4 This arch makes up the medial border of the foot
5 This arch runs from side to side through the three cuneiforms to the cuboid
6 Loss of the medial longitudinal arch
7 Made up of the talus and calcaneus and first part of foot to hit the ground in the gait cycle
9 Joint made up of the anterior surfaces of the talus and calcaneus articulating with the posterior surfaces of the navicular and the cuboid
10 Made up of the navicular, the cuboid and the three cuneiform bones
11 Abnormally high arch
2 This arch runs from the calcaneus anteriorly through the cuboid to the 4th and 5th metatarsals
3 Joint that consists of the inferior surface of the talus articulating with the superior surface of the calcaneus
8 Made up of the five metatarsals and all of the phalanges
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