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French Crossword Puzzle

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Use your Geography Unit 1 packet to help you answer the crossword.

      2     3             4              
    7       8                            
          10                       11      
          12             13                
14     15             16           17        
            18           19     20          
Across Down
3 This word means flower.
5 This city has the highest population density.
7 This word means music.
9 This region is named for France's longest river,
10 Louis XIV built this immense chateau.
11 This word means north.
12 This region is the largest.
14 This region is known worldwide for its bubbly wine.
18 This region is the most populous region.
21 This word means monkey.
22 This word means country.
1 This region borders on the Mediterranean and Italy.
2 This word means turtle.
4 The transportation system between France and England.
5 This word means pilgrim.
6 This central region is bordered by six other regions, including Limousin.
8 90
13 This word means sword.
14 This regin is the least populous region.
15 This word means house.
16 The French adjective, franc, is a synonym for this word.
17 This famous product comes from Seine-et-Marne.
19 These areas are compared to the states of the U.S.A.
20 This region borders on eight other regions, including Auvergne.
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