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French Revolution

                          3 4                                
          8               9                                  
                      10                         11            
                    13   14   15                                
          17                   18                              
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2 The king before and during the French Revolution, he didn't understand how in debt France was.
3 A person leaving one location (country) to live in another location.
5 This social group consisted of clergy, people who worked in the church.
6 This social class consisted of nobles (knights and people related to king or queen).
7 The belief that a kings authority to rule comes directly from God.
9 The principles and laws of country that determine the powers and duties of the government and people's rights.
10 A person who speaks French.
15 The least powerful social class and 97% of people in France made up this class.
17 Harry Potter and the _____________'s Stone.
19 A group of people who were involved with the church.
20 An amount of money or something given specifically to the church or clergy.
1 This term applied only to wealthier people who did no manual labor and who lived from their invested income or property.
4 The queen of France before and during the Revolution, she spent France's money carelessly.
8 France spent enormous amounts of money to support the American Revolution, long wars, overspending, they went into debt.
11 A formally concluded and ratified agreement between France and other countries .
12 The fortress prison that got broken into.
13 The act of forgiving someone for having done something wrong or sinful, a release of consequences.
14 This person was a French military leader and Emperor who conquered much of Europe.
16 The government that ruled France during the final stage of the French Revolution.
18 A forcible overthrow of the government or social order for a new system, a rebellion.
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