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Gene Regulation Crossword Puzzle

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Gene Regulation

Name the mechanisms according to their descriptions.

                        1                 2      
                  5                             6
Across Down
5 Prevent protein synthesis from happening (off)
7 Turn the genes on (on)
8 The amount of time a cell is digested by proteins (volume)
9 When a phosphate group from ATP transfers to a molecule (on)
10 Protects against viral infection and repairs DNA (off)
11 DNA segment located far away from the gene it regulates (on)
12 When the range is increased (volume)
13 Promote the initiation of transcription (on)
14 Jumping genes (on)
1 When genes are partially deleted and can't produce mRNA (off)
2 Errors in gene replication (volume)
3 Lipid molecule that enters the nucleus and sends signals to other cells (volume)
4 Bind to specific DNA sequences near a gene and lets RNA pol III to attach to a promoter (on/off)
6 Eukaryotic mRNA processing where introns are removed from the primary transcript (volume)
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