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Genetics Crossword Puzzle

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          10                             11            
            13                           14            
          17         18   19                            
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3 What do you call the piece of DNA that carries the information?
8 Who isolates nucleic acid?
9 What do you call the organism that have 2 identical alleles for a trait?
10 What do you call the branch of genetics, where genes recombine and transmission of genes from generation to generation?
11 The alternative form of a gene that occupy corresponding loci?
12 What do you call the likelihood that a particular event will occur?
13 Who discovers Alkaptonuria?
15 What do you call the instrument used to determine genetic process?
16 What do you call the organism that have 2 different alleles for a trait?
17 What do you call the separation of paired alleles during Meiosis?
1 What do you call the appearance of a trait?
2 What do you call the branch of genetics, where distribution of genes is in population?
4 What is the branch of biology that deals with the heredity of an organism?
5 What do you call the branch of genetics, where functions of genes is at the molecular level?
6 Being covered up by Dominant
7 Who is the father of the modern science of genetics?
9 What do you call the offspring produced by mating organisms from different genotype?
14 It covers up the recessive
18 Genetic make-up
19 What do you call the physical characteristic of a living organism?
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