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Geography Crossword Puzzle

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                          1       2                  
                    3         4           5          
  11                                         12        
                                    14   15            
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6 A mountain that forms as continental crust crumples and bends into folds
7 Supercontinent
8 The shaking of the ground caused by the sudden movement of large blocks of rock along a fault
9 Where plates scrape past eachother
11 A dense cloud of super hot gases and rock fragments
13 Plates push together
16 A cone-shaped volcano built up of layers of lava and rock fragments. Has a violent eruption
17 A layer of hotter, softer rock in the upper mantle
18 Plates move apart
19 The second seismic wave to arrive at any particular location after an earthquake
1 When one plate sinks beneath another
2 Vibrations caused by earthquakes
3 Earth's thickest layer
4 An opening in Earth's crust through which molten rock, rock fragments, and hot gases erupt
5 Earth's crust and the very top of the mantle
6 Mountains that form as blocks of rock move up and down along normal faults
10 The point on Earth's surface directly above the focus
12 The force exerted when an object presses on, pulls on, or pushes against another object
14 A fracture, or break, in Earth's lithosphere, along which blocks of rock move past eachother
15 The point underground where rocks first begin to move
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