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Geography Crossword Puzzle

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              9       10       11         12    
  15                   16                      
            18 19               20              
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2 the average weathr conditins in an area over a long period of time
4 distance north or south of the Equator
6 the condition of the Earth's atmosphere at a particular time and place
7 official count of the population every ten years
8 study of data involving the characteristics of peopl
10 ability of a state to govern itself
13 ______ nations are primarily agricultural
14 _____collar workers are professionals and usually earns a yearly salary
15 ______collar worker performs namual labor usually for an hourly wage
16 love of country
17 the shape of the land determined by its elevation
18 nickname for large number of people born between 1946-1964
1 half of the earth
3 lands controlled by another nation
5 distance east or west of Prime Meridan
8 unfair treatment based on prejudice against a certain group
9 differences
11 ___ belt is the nickname for the Northeastern areas where many industries have closed
12 this group of nations is made up of the poorest nations ____ world nations
13 ______ nations have many industries and advanced technologies
19 ______location is the exact location on the earth using latitude and longitude
20 belief that one racial group is superior to another
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