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                                      3       4          
              7     8                                    
            13                                   14        
    17   18     19                                          
                23                   24   25                
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3 The chemical or mechanical process by which rock is gradually broken down eventually becoming soil.
6 A huge slow moving mass of snow and ice.
7 Are areas in which certain characteristics are found throughout the area.
9 The process by which the actual chemical structure of the rock is changed, usually when water and carbon dioxide cause a breakdown of the rock.
11 Consist of a central place and the surrounding places affected by it.
12 Consists of a places physical characteristics and human characteristics.
13 Describes a places position on the globe.
16 Are defined by people’s feelings and attitudes about areas.
19 The theory that earth’s outer shell is composed of a number of large unanorched plates or slabs of rock whose constant movement explains earthquakes and volcanic activity.
20 The water in oceans, lakes, rivers and water under the ground.
21 Another way to locate a place based on its relation to other places.
23 The idea that continents slowly shift their positions due to movement of the tectonic plates on which they ride.
26 Outer rocky surface area of earth which is surprisingly thin.
27 Fine grained mineral rich loam, dust or silt deposited by the wind.
28 The center of the earth consisting of very hot metal mainly iron mixed with some nickel.
29 Used to classify landforms, the difference in elevation between the highest and lowest points.
1 The layer of air, water and other substances above the surface.
2 A viewpoint that is influenced by one’s own culture and experiences.
4 A half of the earth; the equator divides the Northern and Southern hemispheres.
5 Large landmasses within the world’s oceans.
8 The actual breaking up or physical weakening of rock by forces such as ice and roots.
10 The study of where people, places and things are located and how they relate to each other.
14 A thick layer of rock that surrounds the core.
15 Computer technology that collects, manipulates, analyzes and displays data about the earth’s surface in order to solve geographic problems.
17 Particle of soil, sand, and gravel carried and deposited by wind or water.
18 The world of plants, animals, and other living things that occupy the land and waters of the planet.
22 Rain whose high concentration of chemicals usually from industrial pollution pollutes water, kills plant and animal life and eats away at the surface of stone and rock.
24 The surface features of earth, including soil, rocks and landforms.
25 A ring of volcanic mountains surrounding the Pacific Ocean.
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