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    7           8                              
                      13   14   15                
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2 surface of erosion that separates one layer of rock from another
3 unconformity created when the strata are not parallel
4 'veins' of igneous rock that shoot through several layers of sedimentary rock
5 rock that has undergone change, usually due to heat and/or pressure
7 rock formed from molten rock
9 view that most of earth's geological features are the result of large-scale catastrophies
10 a single rock that is less than 1 cm thick
11 unconformity created when sedimentary rock rests on top of igneous or metamorphic rock
12 deposits that form a structure that rises from the ground
13 rock formed from sand, silt, minerals, and other components of soil that are laid down by water or some other agent
1 process by which rock and soild are broken down and transported away
2 view that most of earth's geological features are the result of slow, gradual processes
6 decayed remains of once-living creatures
8 deposits that start on the ceiling and form an icicle-like structure hanging down
12 'veins' of igneous rock that run in the same direction of the strata
14 'veins' run perpendicular
15 inorganic crystalline substances found naturally in the earth
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