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George Washington: AN American Life Crossword Puzzle

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George Washington: An American Life

Complete the crossword puzzle.

                13                                     14  
                  17                           18          
                    20   21                                
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8 to revoke or take back a law
9 delegates from each state who formally vote to elect the president and vice president of the United States
10 assumed office by taking a solemn oath
11 meetings of colonial representatives in 1774, 1775, and 1776 to establish laws that formed the United States of America
13 a military force made up of men from the thirteen colonies who fought against the British in the American Revolution
15 a deadly disease usually occurring in hot tropical climates and used by a virus transmitted by a mosquito bite
16 a cabinet head that is responsible for all finance and monetary matters
17 a cabinet head that is responsible for conducting foreign policy
20 a bank under the supervision of the federal government
1 information given out to deliberately further one's own cause or damage the opponent's cause
2 loyalty that a person feels for his or her country
3 representatives authorized to attend a conference or convention
4 a person who uses special measuring tools to determine the boundaries of specific land areas
5 a group of advisers appointed by the head of state to run the executive departments of government
6 deliberate acts to avoid communicating with or purchasing from a group in order to express disapproval
7 pre-scientific 'cures' that required deliberate bleeding or blistering to the body so certain illnesses could 'escape'
12 an army made up of citizen volunteers
14 opened to all racial groups for participation
18 a resident of the thirteen colonies who favored maintaining the authority of the British monarchy during the American Revolution. Also called Royalists.
19 formally approve or make valid
21 a written arrangement between two or more groups or two countries
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