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Getting Along With The Social World Crossword Puzzle

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Getting Along With The Social World

              5                           6        
            12                 13                 14  
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1 a social norm that is based on the behaviors that are approved or disapproved by a group.
2 When the id gets stuck in a psychosexua stage, the adult ego must use energy to continue to try to resolve it throughout life.
3 the tendency for people's performance to improve when other people are present.
4 an increase in affection or preference for an object or person resulting from repeated exposure to it.
5 A phenomenon in which people tend to remember events that are consistent with their current emotions or moods.
7 The part of the personality consisting of thoughts that are not conscious and cannot be brought into consciousness.
8 love that is marked by high levels of commitment and emotional intimacy.
9 the release of anger through the expression of it.
10 racial stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination that can be hidden behind some other motive or belief.
11 the common finding that individuals will fail to help others during an emergency.
12 an aroused feeling that results from holding two contradictory cognitions at the same time. An individual is motivated to reduce the dissonance.
1 aggression that is used to achieve some other end.
6 The part of the personality that juggles the demands of the id, the superego, and the real world consequences of our actions.
13 the key neurotransmitter involved in reinforcement and motivated behavior.
14 The ability to identify with someone else's emotions.
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