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Gloom And Doom Crossword Puzzle

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Gloom and Doom

Use the clues to fill in the blanks

        2   3                                    
7             8                                  
          9                     10                
                        11             12          
  15             16                                
Across Down
2 a military branch of a body of people under order of one person`
5 a person that wishes evil or harm will come upon another person
6 a person whose body is far or obese
7 gruesome to look at or is diseased and may die
8 a behavior that a person is ready or hoping to fight with another person or group
9 a person who is argumentative or warlike
10 an illness or disease
13 poor health caused by lack of nutrients
14 to kill evil spirits with special rituals in a person
15 a person that is bad at doing something because they are awkward or clumsy
17 a dead body
1 language that 'cuts' or gets to the point
3 a group of people that goes to war against the government or athority
4 bodily punishment such as flogging or beating`
5 embarrassed to 'death'
10 very likely to cause deaath
11 a cut made with a sharp tool during surgery
12 an undertaker or funeral home director
15 where dead bodies are kept before burial or cremation
16 God like, cannot die
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