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Governing Peoples OF British North America Crossword Puzzle

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Governing Peoples of British North America

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5 Autonomous; having full independent rights of self-government
8 The Royal _________ , set aside lands designated for First Nations
9 Name given to French people born in the Royal Colony of New France
11 The Quebec Act enlarged Quebec's __________ to include the Ohio Valley
12 The Quebec Act guaranteed French ___________ rights and allowed Catholics to take part in government
13 Governor of Quebec who replaced Murray, but shared many similar views
15 French General during the Battle of the Plains of Abraham
16 Official name of New France as of 1763
17 The Treaty of _______ ended the Seven Years War
1 The Royal Proclamation was dated 176__
2 British General during the Battle of the Plains of Abraham
3 The valley occupied by Odawa, Seneca, and Mohawk Nations
4 War Chief of the Odawa Nation who led a resistance against British occupation
5 An Oath taken by Canadiens to state they were member so the Anglican Church Three, The Royal Proclamation was dated 176__
6 Murray and Carleton ignored demands for _______ assembly in Quebec for fear of instability
7 Pontiac's Resistance ended by signing a peace treaty at Fort __________
10 The Royal Proclamation stated that these would be negotiated between British and First Nations to decide future land use
14 British General who oversaw the delivery of small-pox infested blankets to First Nations leaders in the Ohio Valley
15 Governor of Quebec from 1760-1763
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