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Great Depression

                        1         2                
                          4                       5
                    11                           12  
                    16                 17            
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1 this region of the US where farmers unknowingly stripped much of the land and left it damaged by poor farming techniques
8 consumers' reluctance to buy all that has been produced
9 a series of radio broadcasts made by Roosevelt to assure the country that everything will be alright
11 the greatest economic crisis that lasted a decade
14 the day the stock market crashed in 1929
15 when the market has more of a product than consumers want
16 this industry did not enjoy the prosperity of the 20s
18 the idea that government should not regulate business or try to manipulate the market but rather let the market take its natural course
19 makeshift villages where people made reference to the president whom much of the nation blamed for its woes
2 made high-risk investments in hopes of making large returns on their money
3 the practice of people buying
4 His most famous quote 'The business of the American people is business'
5 provided food for the poor
6 this program was created to insure bank deposits of up to $100,000 in case of bank failure.
7 investors purchased stocks for only a portion of what they cost; they then borrowed the difference and paid interest on the loan
10 a series of storms that hit the Midwest, causing enormous clouds of dust to be created by the high winds
12 legislation and acts that was introduced under Roosevelt to end the Depression
13 shortage of rain
17 this president defeated Hoover in a landslide victory during the 1932 presidential election
19 became president in 1929 at the onset of the Great Depression
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