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Great Depression Crossword Puzzle

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Great Depression

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1 (2 words) Projects such as highways, parks, and libraries built using public funds for public use.
4 (2 words) A person who moves from place to place to find work.
5 (2 words) Programs that gives the needy people jobs.
6 To fail to meet an obligation.
7 A grant of money, often from the government, to a person or company for actions that will benefit the public.
9 (2 words) A place where shares in corporations are brought and sold through an organized system.
10 A political philosophy that stresses the glory of the state over the individual and that favors dictatorship.
11 A sum payment regularly to a person, normally after retirement.
2 Payments from the government for a limited time to people who lost their jobs.
3 To commit money in hopes of makingmore money in the future.
8 Aid for the needy;welfare.
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