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Greek Mythology


4                             5
                      12       13
            14   15              
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3 War between the city of Troy by the Greeks.
4 The goddess of corn, grain, and the harvest.
6 The home of the Twelve Olympian gods of the ancient Greek world.
8 Other name of Prince Paris.
9 Provided milk to Zeus.
10 Father of Helen of Sparta.
11 Graces, were the three goddesses of Grace.
14 The Grace symbolized 'Delight'.
1 He married Thetis with whom he fathered Achilles.
2 Sea nymph or known as the goddess of water,
3 Greeks used to enter the city of Troy and win the war.
5 Goddess of Strife and Discord.
7 Personification of Darkness.
12 Best known as the author of the Iliad and the Odyssey.
13 Heir apparent to his father's throne (Troy).
15 First human woman created by the gods.
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