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Grey King Crossword Puzzle

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Grey King

                            1   2                        
                3       4   5 6                          
              7               8                          
        11     12                                          
                    13           14                        
      15                             16                    
              17         18                                
19                             20                          
Across Down
3 Tricks, disappear
5 Dark magic, cast a _________
7 people who are used and forced to work
8 people on your side, fighting
10 Best _______ forever
11 orange, acts like a dog, bushy tail
13 St. Michael _______
15 Races in Derby
16 War Zone
17 a very big hill
19 Animals are kept
20 3x the size of a dog, Chicago ______ football team
21 a stick that is sharp and used for hunting
22 Sharp blade to fight with
23 Vacation, walking
1 hairy pets, playful
2 Flames and heat
4 Palace, where king and queen live
6 most people use for long distant transportation
9 dark color and leader of a castle
12 Someone you hate
14 Protection
15 to kill, food
16 has feathers and whistles
18 to wear and defend you
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