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Groups That Went West Crossword Puzzle

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Groups that went West

                        1             2        
                  5         6                  
  10       11     12                              
                            14     15            
17                       18                      
                    20               21          
Across Down
5 individuals who were sent to capture African American women who were heading west
7 one of the main causes of death by mountain men
8 the largest area/neighborhood in California
12 this groups goal was to convert Natives to Christianity
16 one of the trails that was created by the Mountain men
17 Spanish speaking group that settles in California
20 the nickname Chinese gave California
22 this group was treated harshly when the gold started to run out
1 the group that went west because they were persecuted for their practices
2 a disease that wiped out many natives
3 an item that informs us of what happened to the mountain men
4 what many explorers were searching for when traveling west (waterway)
6 the individual who settled his group in Salt Lake City
9 one of the reasons why women went west
10 one of the families who attempted to convert natives
11 acres of land given to Californios
13 the practice of having multiple wives
14 the right that most women got when they went west
15 one of his legacies was naming the west the Great American Desert
18 a lack of these individuals caused for major crime problems to occur in mining camps
19 a landscape that caused major issues for most explorers; difficult to cross at winter
21 another name for mountain men
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