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People & Vocabulary

                                    1     2                    
                  8   9                                        
            11     12                                            
          14                                         15     16    
                      17                               18        
19                     20                                        
                      21           22                            
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8 A technique for conditioning behavior in which that behavior is followed by something desired
10 A theory that is an extension of behavorism that emphasizes the influence that other people have over a person's behavior
13 The sociocultural theory the more skilled members of society become tutors or mentors in an _________ in thinking
14 A theory that uses thousands of observations made about human growth
15 Abraham _______ and Henry Harlow founded a theory called Humanism
17 What theory of human development that holds irrational, unconscious drives and motives
19 As part of the apprenticeship in thinking, a mentor must locate the learner's zone of _______ development
20 Ivan Pavlov recieved the Noble Prize in 1904 that led to the discovery of
21 A theory that human development results from the dynamic interaction between developing persons and their surrounding society
23 The restructing of old ideas to include new experiences
24 Kind of conditioning where the learning process makes the person or animal more likely to repeat the action
25 According to behavorism, the processes by which responses become linked to particular stimuli and learning takes place
26 A theory that stresses the potential of all humans and the belief that all people have the same basic needs
27 The world's first psychoanalist
1 What theory is also known as the learning theory
2 The first major cognitive theorist
3 What adaptation that living creatures use to adjust to their enviroment
4 What perspective used by most developmentalists in which they apply aspects of each theories of development
5 Composed 8 developmental stages
6 The central process of social learning, by which a person observes the actions of others then copies them
7 Watson, an early behavorist whos ideas are still influential and contraversal today
9 Not a single theory but a framework characterizing a large number of research programs
11 In social learning theory, some people believe that they are able to change themselves and alter the social context
12 In cognitive theory it is the state of mental balance
16 The pioneer of sociocultural perspective
18 The representation of new experiences to fit into old ideas
22 A grand theory of human development that focuses on changes in how people think over time
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