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                                    3     4                        
                        5                         6                
                    19     20   21             22                      
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7 A fracture in which there is no break in the skin
8 An illness that occurs without warning signals of what is actually happening
9 Physical conditions that can result when a person is exposed to higher than normal temperatures
10 A burn that occurs when electricity travels through the body
11 A loss of blood from the mucous membranes that line the nose
12 A reduction of the body temperature so that it is lower than normal
13 A burn that involves all layers of the skin and some underlying tissues
15 A burn that occurs when chemicals get on the skin, eyes, or body
16 A burn which affects the top layer of skin
17 A tooth that has been knocked out of its socket
19 A burn that involves the top layer of the skin
23 Painful muscle spasms that happen from loss of water from sweating
24 An overstretching of muscles and/or tendons
25 Injury to the ligaments, tendons, and soft tissue around a joint caused by undue stretching
26 A material or a device used to protect and immobilize a body part
1 A sudden attack of the illness from exposure to high temperatures
2 A bacterial disease transmitted through a tick
3 Bacteria that grows in the body and produces a strong poison that affects the nervous system and muscles.
4 A break or a crack in a bone
5 A substance that causes injury, illness, or death if it enters the body
6 An extreme tiredness due to the inability of the body temperature to be regulated
7 Physical conditions that result from exposure to low temperatures
14 A dangerous reduction in blood flow to the body tissues
18 The freezing of body parts, of the tissues of the extremities
20 A fracture in which there is a break in the skin
21 The movement of a bone from its joint
22 An injury caused by heat, electricity, chemicals, or radiation
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