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                  26 27     28                                                
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8 A series of thrusts to abdomen that force air from the lungs to dislodge an object.
10 Is a sudden loss of heart function in somebody who has a heart disease.
11 Laws that protect people who give first aid in good faith without false intentions or in bad faith.
12 A surgical cut in skin or flesh.
13 A warning that a person has difficulty breathing and is shown by clutching at the throat with one or both hands.
15 Unwritten or guessed consent from an adult to give first aid
17 A wound that was open but healed enough to be this.
18 When a sharp object hit the skin it does this.
19 A way of breathing into a person that is not breathing, but has a pulse.
20 a serious situation that occurs without warning and calls for quick action.
21 A person who decides who to contact when an emergency occurs.
22 A shot given in case you step on rusted metal.
23 steps taken to prevent the spread of disease.
25 A check of the injured or medically ill person to determine if: the victim has an open airway
26 Oral or written permission from a mentally competent adult to give first aid
1 When the heart is deprived of oxygen and stops working, usually because of a blockage in the veins.
2 the immediate and temporary care given to a person who has been injured or suddenly become ill
3 A wound caused by superficial damage but no deeper the then the top layer of the skin.
4 A wound that’s still open from a recent accident.
5 An open spot on the skin, but not deep enough to be a wound.
6 An operation giving to resume breathing on a person.
7 A jagged wound or cut in the skin or flesh
9 Medical identification tag that provides information about the person wearing it
14 This happens when blood flow to the brain is lost.
16 open spot on the skin, where blood can goose out.
24 When something is untreated it could cause this.
27 An emergency in which the airway is blocked.
28 When the skin tears away from the body.
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