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Heat Emergencies

                  M U S C L E C R A M P S     F      
                  U                           I      
H E A T C R A M P S                           V      
                  C H I L D R E N A N D E L D E R L Y
                H E A T E X H A U S T I O N          
              H E A V Y S W E A T I N G              
                  N A U S E A O R V O M I T I N G    
    P A L E S K I N                                  
                  D I Z Z I N E S S                  
                  I R R I T A B I L I T Y            
    F A I N T I N G                                  
                  H O T W E A T H E R A N D S U N    
                  E X T R E M E T H I R S T          
  H E A D A C H E S                                  
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2 What are nine signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion?
3 What is the first stage of a heat emergency?
4 What two age groups are more likely to have heat related problem?
5 What is the second stage of a heat emergency?
6 What are nine signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion?
7 What are nine signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion?
8 What are nine signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion?
9 What are nine signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion?
10 What are nine signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion?
11 What are nine signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion?
12 Heat emergencies are caused by exposure to what two things?
13 What are nine signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion?
14 What are nine signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion?
1 What hours of the day should you be careful about exposure to heat & sun?
2 What is a heat cramp?
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